Saturday, September 02, 2006

Speaking Funt

We always get comments on how well Johnathan speaks for his age. I guess that's right, for I don't really have anything else to compare to. He already says his r's better than I did at 6, so I guess that's good. But here's a funny stage we're going through: Johnathan is putting a "t" at the end of many of his words. For example, "I'm dunt" (I'm done), "Bisont," "Nathant," "spoont." I'm seeing a pattern here for the first time that it's words that end in "n." I can't think of any others that he says that don't.

Anyone ever heard of this slight impediment?


Cheryl said...

Hey Kim!
I linked to your blog off of Sandi's--I met her while she was serving in Togo and I also met David while he was in Kenya. Pretty cool...I have so many Harding connections :-) and I didn't even go there!

I'm glad to find you and read your happenings :-)

My only thoughts on speech impediments is "enjoy them." and tape it! My eight year old speaks like a professor most days now...I love to remember her sweet little voice and those cute "Kinley-isms". Experiencing how very fast she changed into young woman...makes me appreciate my boys' "little-person-ness" more.
Hope you are surviving the heat--only a few weeks left to go!

Tiffany Rose said...

You happen to be in luck! One of my closest friends at school is the speech path. She's great! She said that it's probably just an age thing and he'll grow out of it. She also said that he may be getting his past tenses confused. Like, "I runt as fast as I can." or "we had the most funt".... i personally just think it's cute! :)

Anonymous said...

Hey--I thought of a word he says that doesn't end in N. When we were there, he wanted to watch "Jonah-t". He's so adorable! He's so far advanced beyond many children his age that I sincerely believe he will grow out of it as he ages. Just my non-expert opinion! :)