Saturday, September 16, 2006

Here's what's going on with us. Not incredibly exciting; just the latest:

This morning we had "Singing School." This is where all of the praise team gets together and basically has a singing work and play day. We went through some warm-up exercises, including shoulder rubs. That alone was probably worth me being there! John took us through some basic theory, since many of the people who sing have no idea how to read music. Then I did a little segment on solfege and shaped notes, which was really fun for me. Papaw C. taught me shaped notes, and they have been my faithful crutch ever since! We project the words along with the lyrics in our worship assemblies (John makes them himself!) and we chose to use shaped notes on that. People occasionally ask questions about them, and I'm usually the one to answer.

Anyway, then we played three different versions of an Encore-type game, which were fun and let people loosen up a bit. Then we went through about 8-10 newer songs that we'll be looking to putting into our services soon.

Afterwards, we all ate sub sandwiches, chips and cookies, and had a nice time to visit with each other.

I was really impressed with the turnout! This is the first time we had ever done anything like this here, and I would guess that we had about 30 people there. It's great to be back in the south!

After "Singing School," John, Johnathan and I went to Andy's Custard. Now if you've never heard of, or been to, an Andy's before, you don't know what you're missing. For those of you on a diet, it may be better that way. Andy's has things like the "James Brownie Jackhammer." This mouth-watering invention is their frozen custard blended with brownies that they put in a cup, dig out the center, and fill the empty middle space with fudge. Oh my ...

John took Johnathan home and I ran to Hobby Lobby to get some adhesive in preparation for the scrapbook retreat I'm going to next weekend. And then I bought a 3 foot scarecrow because it was 50% off. :) It looks cute out on my front porch, and even better since it replaced the fake tulips I have had out there since March!

Then I hit Wal-Mart in hopes that it will be the last BIG Wal-Mart run before the baby is born. Hey, here's to hoping!

Other random things of interest (or not) from today:

I killed ANOTHER black widow spider just outside our house.

I delivered a package of Peter Rabbit scrap stuff that I had leftover from Johnathan's baby book to a person I happened to meet randomly in the scrapbook store yesterday who happened to be looking for those types of things exactly. Since I will not be using any more PR stuff for scrapbooks, I told her I'd be glad for her to have them. She gave me her address and I dropped it off today!

My feet look like water balloons with 5 Lil' Smokies on the end of each one.

My ligaments are so loose that I wobble around when I'm tired ... which has been much more frequently the past couple of days. In fact, I took a nap from 6 to 7 tonight, and only woke up because John came in and asked how long I wanted to sleep! (I had no intention of falling asleep ... just wanted to "rest my eyes" a bit!) And here it is a little after 8:30, and I could go right to bed. I'd be up in a couple of hours anyway needing to pee. :)

The best book I have read in a while (since I hardly read at all) is "The Girlfriend's Guide to Pregnancy." Has anyone else read it? It's everything your doctor won't tell you about being pregnant. It is HILARIOUS. Of course, in on my hormonal roller coaster, everything is extra funny or extra sad or extra ... you fill in the blank. The writer explains it this way (and I'll paraphrase, "It's like your emotions are constantly in 4th gear, so that you don't ease into an emotion. You hit it at 70 mph!" There were several times when I had to put the book down (and my knees together) because I was laughing too hard to keep reading! Kristi, when you get pregnant, I'm either buying you your own copy or giving you mine.

Enough for now. Hope everyone is having a good weekend!


The Sheets said...

"Girlfriends Guide" was the only pregancy book that I read. I too, laughed all the way through it. They have a "Guide to being a new mom" or something like that which I looked at in Gideon's old pediatrician's office. It looked equally as funny.

And I hear you about the feet. We actually took a picture of my feet when I was admited to the hospital. The crazy thing was, since I had a c-section, I retained more water AFTER giving birth and my feet got even bigger. (not fun)

I hope your beautiful baby girl graces us with her presence soon. ;)


Tiffany Rose said...

I'll have to remember that book for the future! ;) I thought that since we hadn't heard from you in a couple days, we had a new little girlin the family. Hopefully your mom will call my mom and my mom will call me when it happens! :)

Anonymous said...

It's great that you had such a good turn out for your singing school! Yea for the handy-dandy shape note crutch! Using shape notes was one of those things you didn't publicly admit in Chorus!

Anonymous said...

Carol, Remember where we learned the shape notes? In our living room, behind the front door was a huge blackboard (well it seemed huge at the time). I remember Daddy teaching us those shape notes by drawing them on the blackboard. I even remember the first song I sol-fedged (I'm sure I just butchered that word!) "Come let us all unite to sing, 'God is love.'" Whew, that's going way back in the memory bank!