Sunday, August 30, 2009

Good first week

These are some of Johnathan's newest pictures of himself:

He's had a great first week of school. Mrs. Miller is wonderful! I really thought after only going to school MWF mornings last year that he wouldn't want to go back to school EVERYday, but I was so wrong! His alarm went off at 6:30 every morning, he put on his clothes that we had laid out the night before and he made his bed all before coming out of his room. And he couldn't wait to get to school!

With all that playing and learning and getting up early, he's so tired by about 6:00, even after an hour rest time right after school.

Really tired!

(sorry about the blurry picture -- no flash -- you get the idea!)


Deborah said...

Kindergarten is so draining! Caleb just cries after school about EVERYTHING. That's a little draining for Mommy too!

See you tomorrow--YEA!

Carol J said...

Love those eyes! -- and the chocolate mustache!

Chelsea Rambin said...

Silas does the same things in the morning (sans the alarm). By 6:15 a.m., he is in our room with clothes on, ready for breakfast.

In addiiton to laying out clothes at night, I have also been getting the kids to pick their breakfast the night before and we put out what we can (cereal box, bowl, spoon). It is saving me precious minutes and we have been able to get out by 7:30 a.m. every day.