Thursday, August 13, 2009


Probably the most popular Facebook quiz right now, at least among my friends, is the Myers-Briggs personality test. I am fascinated by personalities and how it says so much about why we do what we do, so I was eager to take the very long test. Here's my result:

You are warm, empathetic, responsive, and responsible. You are highly attuned to the emotions, needs, and motivations of others. You find potential in everyone, and want to help others fulfill their potential. You may act as a catalyst for individual and group growth. You are loyal, and are responsive to praise and criticism. You are sociable, facilitate others in a group, and provide inspiring leadership. Famous people with your same ENFJ personality include: Abraham Lincoln, Ronald Reagan, Dick Van Dyke, Diane Sawyer, Peyton Manning, Pete Sampras, Johnny Depp, and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Johnny Depp? Really?

What is interesting to me is that almost every time I take a Myers-Briggs-type test I come out with a different result. Last time (maybe a year ago?) I was an ISFP. Go figure. Back in college I was ISTJ. Either I have huge mood swings which makes me answer totally differently depending on the day or I'm really close to the middle on all of them. Or I didn't understand the questions very well or just didn't take the time to read them closely enough to really understand them. Anything's possible. :)

I clearly remember getting this particular result the very first time I took the test back in 7th grade. What does that say? I'm regressing? Ha! I wonder if the extrovert part just means that I have too many children and will do whatever I have to for any kind of adult interaction!

Now I just need to get John to take it. I think it's been a while for him, too.


Carol J said...

It is unusual for someone to get so many results! Perhaps your scores are not extreme -- all settling in the mid-range. I think that must make you a well-rounded personality! (How's that for a mom's perspective?!) XO

sarah said...

Hey! Im an ENFJ too!! =) i love taking those personality tests. I find them fascinating. Anyways I saw that you desire to know God better. I do too! I would have to say that I first came to know God better a few years ago when I started reading the Bible more seriously. Then the Bible led me to the Book of Mormon. I read them together now and know that Jesus is the Christ. These books have answered many of my questions, helped put my priorities back in line, and given me peace in my hectic life. God lives and loves you very much! Continue in your search for Him and you will come to know Him better. Hope this helps. God bless you! :)