Thursday, September 25, 2008

Vocabulary Explosion

Kalleigh's vocabulary is going through another growth spurt, which can be really funny, of course. The problem is, as all parents know, when they start saying the phrases that you say all the time ... the ones you don't realize you say all the time! Then there are the words that you have no idea what they mean, so you ask the four-year-old to interpret for you. Here are just a few examples that I can remember from the past two days:

In the van, Kalleigh: "Mommy, ahnna hear own-choo, own-choo nake."
Me: "You want to hear what?"
Kalleigh: "Ahnna hear own-choo, own-choo nake."
Me: "Johnathan, do you know what she's saying?"
Johnathan, in an exasperated voice: "She wants to listen to Don't you, don't you step on a snake."
Which is the first line in the Real Group's Big Bad World. Of course.

At McDonald's. Kalleigh is playing and John and I are talking about something very important that was demanding all of our attention. (I have no idea what it was now!) We hear Kalleigh say, "Hee I am! I kymed!" And she was up in the high chair how? She climbed! Oh, she's my child.

Then this morning I noticed that any time Kalleigh needed to get past someone who was in her way, she would say, "Watch out!" "Where'd she get that?" I wondered, and I told her that she needed to say, "Excuse me, please." A little later, Kalleigh was playing with the magnets on the front of the refrigerator. I needed to put the juice away, and as I reached for the handle, I said, "Watch out!" Good grief. "I mean, excuse me please!"


Rachel said...

Too funny! I'm already getting nervous about what Abby might pick up from me or Casey...or Aunt Tara. :)

Anonymous said...

Watch out.....that's so funny! It's good you're writing this down. I can't remember now which one of you said "Move me please" instead of "excuse me please."

Elizabeth said...

She is so cute! Thanks for sharing with us!

Anonymous said...

Climbing on the high chair -- oh, you're right! She is your child!! Cute stories. I'm so glad you are writing these down.

Anonymous said...

Those are priceless, too!!! I can't believe Johnathan knew what she was saying! Kids are interesting, huh??? :)

John, Kisti, Maren & Silas Felps said...

Too cute! We couldn't figure out where Maren learned "Yep"! They are so good at pointing out our little "habits":)

Amanda said...

She climbed! Yes, she is your child! When we were little, you had me climbing all sorts of stuff. I was always sure that you were going to get both of us killed. You are in for it!

Bethany said...

I think it's funny how sibblings (or close cousins!) can understand each other when no one else can.
I think it's called "sibblingeze."
My girls and their cousins would do that all the time. We would all get the "huff" then the answer whenever we asked what they were saying!
Fun stuff!

Kristi Petrak said...

So cute!!! Aren't you glad you have Johnathan there to translate!! What adorable children. I miss them so much!!!!

Sandi said...

I love it.