Saturday, August 30, 2008

Three more ...

1. Kalleigh has started answering my rhetorical questions in her own little way. For example, "Kalleigh, why are you yelling?" "'Cause! Fun!" Touche'.

2. Conversation between John and Johnathan at lunch today:
John: "Oh! Did you see that? I think Mr. Potato Head took a step!"
Johnathan: "No, he didn't. He's not real."
John: "Right. Maybe I was using my imagination."
Johnathan: "Yeah. If you see real potatoes climbing in our house, I'd say, 'Get out!'"

3. Seems like Elizabeth had a post entitled, "Oh, Ashlyn!" a while back. Well, I am so there with Kalleigh. Thursday, I was supposed to drop the kids off at the Deans before I picked up John to go sing with Danny that evening. I got Jonas in the van and as I went back in the house, Johnathan comes running up to me saying, "Mom! Kalleigh has poop all over her!" Sure enough, from the time I left to put Jonas in the car until the time I returned, Kalleigh had pooped in her diaper and managed to smear it all over herself. I was livid, as you could imagine. "Oh, Kalleigh!" I yelled and snatched her up and put her in the tub. I ran back out and retrieved Jonas and put him in his bouncy chair. I marched back into the bathroom, camera in hand, and barked at Kalleigh to face me and back up, and "STOP PUTTING YOUR HANDS IN YOUR MOUTH." Her bottom lip was quivering, as she knew she was in trouble. I sternly said, "Now be still while I take a picture. She looked up, and whimpered, "Cheese?" It was exactly what I needed to calm down. :)

The rest of the story is that I showered her off and redressed her, and we were a mere 12 minutes late. Not bad, I thought!


Gabbin' with Giff said...

I'm laughing out loud right now! Those are awesome...thank you for sharing and brightening my day!

Anonymous said...

Oh, d-e-a-r! That girl cracks me up.

Jamie said...

That is hilarious, but I'm scared to laugh cause I know that it won't be to long til I am dealing with Emery probably doing the same thing! I hope that I handle it as well as you did.

Rachel said...

Oh please, oh please, oh please don't let Abby do this! I seriously laughed out loud until I realized that could be me behind the camera before too long! :)

Anonymous said...

She must have had one of those inquisitive moments when she asked herself, "I wonder what would happen if I tried this?" Remember, penicillin was discovered because of questions like that! Still, my goodness, what a mess! I can just see you hustling around to try to take care of everything and still arrive on time!

Deborah said...

One should never question why the mom of a toddler is late to anything!

Bethany said...

I have lived that very senerio! :) I have pictures of my kids in a mud puddle outside of church. But it wasn't just my kids, it was ALL the kids. All dressed to the nines...and mud.(I was the only one with the camera.) Needless to say the cleaning crew was not very happy that week after church. Footprints everywhere. :)

If you can't laugh..don't have kids. :)

Rachel said...

Wow! I am not sure what my reaction would have been, probably a mix between grossed out and laughing! You have to be able to laugh in moments like those or they could definitely send you over the edge!

Kristi Petrak said...

What in the world??!!! Can't believe she did that! at first Whitney and I looked at the picture w/o the story and thought she had pudding on her mouth...not so much! Good thing she made you laugh, huh? ^_^

Elizabeth said...

Oh my word! I am SO glad you took a picture of that!!!

Amanda said...

Wow! I really don't look forward to moments like that: which are inevitable, I'm sure. So glad you were able to snap a picture.

Tami said...

Between #2 and #3 Kevin and I are laughing so hard we are crying!! Thank you for taking a "not so funny at the time" happening and letting the rest of us laugh! We love and miss you all!

Anonymous said...

Oh man!!! I am SO glad Brenna didn't ever try that! I'm impressed that you had the presence of mind to put her in the tub AND that she stayed there until you got back with Jonas AND that you thought to grab your camera AND that you were only 12 minutes late! :) You are amazing! I love the potato conversation, too!!! :)

Sascha Terry said...

I have heard tons of "poop" stories, but never have I seen the evidence. I can't believe you were able to take a picture of that! I wouldn't have thought to do that!

This morning I went in to get Elisa out of her crib and she was practically butt naked! She unzipped her sleeper, pulled it down to her feet, undid her diaper on one side and pushed it down the other to her foot. Crazy kid. I'm so glad she doesn't normally poop in the mornings!

Oh, it was such a fight to get Elisa to sit still for that passport picture that we didn't care what she was doing - as long as she looked at the camera!