Monday, August 04, 2008

Progress and otherwise

I went in today for an appointment, and I'm at a 3! I knew those Braxton Hicks were doing something! He's still pretty high, or at least he swam back up for the appointment. All that to say, I have no idea when he'll decide to enter the world. My official due date is still the 22nd, but at the sonogram back in April, he was measuring 10 days ahead of schedule, which would be next Tuesday, the 12th. That would be a fine day for me. :)

On the other hand, I broke my pinky toe today! I ran into the wall rounding a corner. I heard the crack. And now it's black. Of course, you can't tell that it's swollen any worse than the rest of my toes, but it is not pretty. Isn't that just what I need when I weigh the most I've ever weighed in my life?!


Gabbin' with Giff said...

Nuts! At least you are able to still SEE that its black! Or did John have to tell you?! hehe Can't wait to see what this little guy looks like! Hang in there

Stephanie said...

Ouch! It's never fun to stub your pinky toe and I've done it several times. I'm excited to see your little man!

Nicole said...

Ouch, ouch, ouch. But yea for progress! Shoot for the 11th, it's a delightful day. It certainly gave us a great little boy!

Anonymous said...

August 5th...Surprise...Baby! Congratulations! We will be awaiting some beautiful pictures soon. Enjoy that baby!

Kristi Petrak said...

Stinks about your toe. Hope it feels better soon. Kinda fun to comment on your blog that says, "Don't know when my baby will arrive" ^_^ after the fact, that is. ^_^ Love you and congratulations!!

Anonymous said...

Ditto to Kristi's comment! I hopped on the blog hoping & praying for pictures of Jonas only to find a note that you were still wondering when he would come! :) I'm sure you have your hands full, though, so guess I'll try to be patient! :) Can't wait to hear if you are going to show up at VBS tonight! You are such a trooper!