Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Holy socks

I had a flashback the other day. I had been on my feet all day getting the house and dinner ready for company that night when I realized that I had two huge holes in the heels of my socks! That's when the flashback occured. I flashed back to when I was a kid wondering why in the world Mom's socks always had holes in the heels. It took this many years to finally realize that the reason was that she litereally worked her socks off! I was so honored to join my mother in the group, "Women Who Work Their Socks Off." I even had to take a picture to document this momentous occasion:

And then I was a little embarrassed that this was the first time this had ever happened to me. Anyway, here's to the women who work their socks off! May it happen to me again ... I guess that's up to me. :)


Stephanie said...

LOL! I'm in that club too! It just shows how hard we work as Domestic Engineers!

Great pics of Branson! Glad you all had fun!

Anonymous said...

That's probably the reason I like to put new socks in the Christmas stocking each year! :)

Thanks for the kudos. Not only do moms "work their socks off" they also find themselves "spinning on their heels" to try to keep up with 3 children! I wouldn't trade new socks for all of those years of fun and excitement of child rearing years. Fun times!

Kim Hodges said...

Hee hee. Yeah, I thought of "digging your heels in" when it came to discipline. I've been doing a lot of digging lately!