Tuesday, December 05, 2006

What my kids are doing these days ...

It's 6:30 am. I remember Kalleigh going to sleep at midnight. Did I feed her during the wee hours of the morning and not remember? No ...

And then it hits me. She slept all the way through the night! I get up to take my shower, wishing it were a sleep-in day for me, for Kalleigh is still sleeping. Then at 7:00, like a little alarm, *squeak, grunt, squeak, squeak, grunt, rooting noises* and then a little "eehh!" She slept for 7 hours!

Poor little girl. She had her 2 month shots yesterday. It was awful. You can refer to Part 2 of the Three Parts post to know how I feel about shots. She had three sticks and had to drink some other vaccine. But now the fun part: the stats. She weighed 11 lbs, 12 oz and was 23 in long. Right around the 60th percentile for both measurements. She's a little closer to average than Johnathan was. At his 2 month appt, he was in the 20th percentile for height and 80th percentile for weight!

The doctor also gave us a new diaper rash remedy to try. We are to coat the rash with milk of magnesia, let it dry, then cover that with Desitin and do that 4 times a day. He said the MoM is an antacid and neutralizes the poop before it hits the skin. Man, I hope it works!.

What's Johnathan up to? Saying the funniets things everyday. Just a few examples:
Poe glasses = molasses
Keermint = pyramid
Wedgie Tales = (I bet you can figure that out)
When we were at Mom's putting up the tree, I said, "Johnathan, when we get home are we goinig to have Christmas, too?" He said, "No ... Basketball!" Wow. Do you think he really remembered our life with me as a coach during this season last year?

He's going through a phase where he is saying he loves just about everything. "Mommy! I love your eyebrows! I love your elbows!" etc.

I'm wearing a short blond curly wig for our dinner theater this weekend. Johnathan came into rehearsal last night as we were all on stage. I think he recognized my voice when I was singing, but he couldn't find me! Finally, our assistant director picked him up and pointed to me. Johnathan's eyebrows went up and he grinned really big and said, "Oh, THERE's Mommy!"

Yesterday, Johnathan gave me what he believe to be the best compliment of all. He said, "Mommy, you're the biggest mommy ever!" Thanks, kid. :)

Here are the promised broken arm pictures:

Showing off his muscles.



Anonymous said...

Kim, they are so cute. Johnathan looks like a trooper with that little cast. Kids are so much more resilient than we are. Have a great day, and maybe another great night!! Here's hoping...

Sandi said...

Yea, for the long sleep!

Hilarious about the big mommy compliment!

Elizabeth said...

I love the "biggest Mommy" phrase. So cute! He looks so proud of his blue cast, too. I'm surprised that they only did a short cast since he's so young. They wouldn't let Carter have a short one because they said children that age pull them off so easily. Carter's had to go over his elbow. I'm glad for Johnathan's sake that he can at least still bend his arm...I'm sure it's much easier to get him dressed!!

Cheryl said...

So sorry about the broken arm! He sure looks proud of his "band aid".
Yay for long sleep!
About the big mommy comment...a few days ago, my son told me I looked pregnant...I'm NOT and...ouch.

Stephanie said...

LOL! You remind me so much of me when Hayley slept for the first time through the night (all night is defined as 12-6). We had her down around 11 and the alarm went off at 6. It occured to me, "Hayley never woke up last night!" So, I ran into the baby's room, checked to see if she was breathing and sighed with relief (oh, and waking her up in the process). When I sighed, I put my hand on my chest and realized my top was soaking wet with breastmilk. I suddenly realized how full and I was and got her up immediately so she could be fed.

Wishing you many more sleepful nights ahead!

Rachel said...

Yeah! I hope she sleeps again like that tonight for you. Sleep is always a good thing! Love the big mommy compliment! He looks like he is awfully proud of his cast!

Anonymous said...

Yes, he's even cute with the blue cast! It's amazing how quickly little ones heal - thankfully! When you were a baby I remember overhearing your pediatritian say to his nurse, "We have to treat these children quickly, or they will get well on their own!"

I look forward to seeing you in your blond wig on Friday!

XO, Mom

Anonymous said...

I meant pediatrician.

Kristi Petrak said...

I agree with Deborah--Johnathan is a little trooper!! That's cute that he couldn't find you in the play. Thanks for more nephew pics!! He loves to ham it up, doesn't he? and he looks great in his shirt--so glad he loves it!!

Anonymous said...

Kim, No one here heard that Johnathan had broken his arm. I finally heard the other day from I don't remember who, Oh yeah the Goods. Your brother was down here visiting and told Mike. We felt sorry for Johnathan. I loved your blog about him protecting it even when he had the cast off. We sure do miss him and you guys. Your little girl is beautiful. See you, JOY