Thursday, May 13, 2010

Old Hymns, New Words

As I shared in my Ladies Retreat post, I enjoy rewriting some of the older songs into words that I can connect with a little better. I had my high school girls do this last night in class, and I just loved their interpretation of some of the songs! Here was mine:

Wouldn't it be awesome to have the kind of faith that stayed strong even when picked apart by every angle? A faith that wouldn't get rattled by earthly troubles?

I'd love to have the kind of faith that would keep me from complaining when God used difficult situations to make me stronger. That in those times of sadness or pain, I'd turn to God rather than gripe about him.

I want my faith to be a light that pierces through the storms of life without any fear or doubt!

Lord, please give us this kind of faith, so that no matter what our earthly life brings, we know that we'll experience the eternal joy of living with you!

--O For a Faith that Will Not Shrink


Deborah said...

Wow! What a great way to stretch the hearts of those high schoolers! And, I can only imagine that they now have a new appreciation for why some of the older folks love those songs so much.

Great exercise!

Carol J said...

Thank you for blessing me with this today!

Aunt Donna said...

Agree with both Deborah and my sister. As soon as I read that first line or two, I knew exactly what song that was. For me, really understanding those older songs came about when I had to start interpreting them into sign language. (I mean, what is an Ebenezer, any way???) Signing the songs makes them mean so much more to me. I got to the meanings of the songs and not just the words or notes.