Sunday, October 26, 2008

Favorite Video

Just thought I'd share my kids' favorite YouTube video right now. It always brings a smile to my face, too. :)


Anonymous said...

I remember this when it was on the Muppett show. So cute! I can see why your kiddos like it so much.

Amanda said...

Singing my version of this song was the only way I could get Gracen to lay still enough to change her diaper for a few months. It has a special place in my heart!

Anonymous said...

You need to perform it with your group. I want to be one of the "do-dooo-do-do-do" girls with the big eyes and round mouths!

Sascha Terry said...

Elisa has quickly found herself addicted to this video. I saw it on your blog yesterday and watched it about 10 times in a row!

Today she asked to watch the doggie and clown movie. I figured out that she meant this video on your blog. Personally, I think they look like alien cows!