Thursday, May 08, 2008

Sometimes he knows just what to say

So I went to pick up the kids after praise team rehearsal last night. I walked in the room and both kids yell, "Mommy!" and head my direction.

Then Johnathan turns to the babysitter and says, "See? It's Mommy! Isn't she pretty?"

My son could do no wrong the rest of the evening.


Deborah said...

SOOOO sweet!!

I went to "Muffins With Mom" today at Joshua's school and he had a picture he drew of me. (Let's just say, Joshua's gift is NOT art!) I couldn't tell if he MEANT to make me look like a jack-o-lantern or if he just thinks my look is a little boxey...


Anonymous said...

What a sweet boy, that Johnathan! Too cute! And he's very truthful too!! I'm so glad you girls are writing all this stuff down. I promise - you wouldn't remember it all otherwise!

Anonymous said...

Happy Mother's Day! He couldn't have bought a Hallmark Card that would say it better! XO

Sandi said...

Awwww. How sweet!

John, Kisti, Maren & Silas Felps said...

God knew what he was doing when he made them so darn cute at that age:)